
There have been a couple of changes to some of the Governmental initiatives for financial assistance. These are: Furloughing employees - dates have changed, this has now been extended to the end of June, plus the furlough date has been extended to the 19th March instead of 2...
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Or put more simply, how do you furlough your employees?

Several weeks ago, the Government put a scheme into place that effectively pays all employees 80% of their wages up to a cap of £2,500 per month, plus any employer national insurance contributions (NICs) and employer pension contributions where applicable. HMRC are bus...
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HMRC financial measures and guidance for employees, employers and businesses

At the time of writing, there are already a number of measures in place for many businesses and employees to gain financial support from the government. Below is a quick rundown of those currently available and these will be updated as anything new is added, especially for t...
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